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Master the art of negotiation with Noa Sheer

In our exciting new course, Negotiation Essentials: Building Relationships for Success, negotiation and influence expert, Noa Sheer, brings you the most relevant and effective negotiation and persuasion methods based on her broad and deep research in areas of organisational behaviour, psychology, motivation and economics.

We all negotiate every day, no matter what role we are in. Some of our more challenging negotiations might even be at home with the people we communicate the most.

What sets great negotiators apart from the rest is their ability to be focused on reading the other party – their motivators, fears and pressures, biases and decision-making processes. When we consider these abilities as technical skills rather than soft skills, we invest time in preparing for those important conversations and apply strategies to maximise the outcomes without jeopardising the relationship with the other party.

In the new course, Negotiation Essentials: Building Relationships for Success, facilitator Noa Sheer brings you the most relevant and effective negotiation and persuasion methods based on her broad and deep research in areas of organisational behaviour, psychology, motivation and economics. Noa takes an ethical and relationship-centred approach to provide you with the tools to gain precisely what you want while taking excellent care of the other party and your relationship. Among other skills, the course will teach you:

  • Creative deal-making skills
  • Empathetic methods of understanding stakeholders
  • Rapport-building skills to fast-track trust

Noa is a negotiation and influence expert who trains, consults and represents negotiators at organisations such as Westpac, Uber, NSW Health, the Australian Department of Defence and Deloitte, to name a few. She writes negotiation protocols and “playbooks” for large organisations and designs protocols for conversations between doctors and patients at a central hospital in Sydney. She brings this passion for effective conversations to the course Negotiation Essentials at the University of Auckland.

Noa is informed by her years of research and teaching at other universities, her authorship of the book, Effective Negotiations: From Research to Results, and her international network of negotiation powerhouses in areas such as politics, online security breaches, peace-making and conflict resolution. She brings case studies and examples from business negotiations and other contexts to the course to broaden participants’ thinking and inspire them.

This two-day course starts Wednesday 1 May 2024. Register now to secure your spot.